Join Prism for their their upcoming virtual event in partnership with the Zinn Education Project, Teaching Truths: Educators speak on justice and liberation in the classroom, on November 7, 2024, 3pm PT.
We’ll hear from Jesse Hagiopan, Dr. Tamyka Morant, De’Ana Forbes, Greg Wickenkamp, and Dr. Chantee Earl in conversation with Prism’s Editor-in-Chief, Lara Witt.
These educators and organizers are at the forefront of narrative intervention and who spend each and every day ensuring that their students learn about Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA+ history, settler-colonialism, migrant justice, Palestine, climate change and its root causes of militarism, imperialism, capitalism, and more. We’ll explore how they are navigating censorship, school administrations, political repression, and other challenges.