Clear Actions News
by Michael Niemann These are difficult times. Then again, which times aren’t? It is tempting, in the face of the daily avalanche of terrible news

Medford Rally Opposes Trump Administration
by Allen Hallmark About 500 southern Oregonians and maybe some from northern California, too, gathered at Medford City Hall on Tuesday, March 4th to rally
The Substitution of Dealmaking for Diplomacy
by Herb Rothschild My online search for foreign views of President Donald Trump since his inauguration was hampered by the language barrier and paywalls. Still,

Humanitarian aid’s extreme donor dependency problem in five charts
US foreign aid cuts have exposed the humanitarian system’s dependence on a small pool of Western donors, particularly the US, which contributed 43% of public
Our Work
Uncle Food's Diner

Uncle Food’s Diner delivered more than 100,000 free meals to people in need in the past two years. For the past 28 years, we have hosted a Free Community Dinner in Ashland by reconciling donated food items and coordinating volunteers to produce delicious, nutritious meals. Our program responds to the changing needs of our community.
Rogue Liberation Library

Rogue Liberation Library sends more than 600 books to people in prisons in 14 states, each month. Our mission is to provide quality books and reading material free of charge to incarcerated people to foster knowledge, communication, personal development, and well-being. We believe in the right to read, and see books as tools of liberation.
Human Rights

Since 1982, Peace House has lent its support for communities impacted by militarism and extractive industries in Central America. This includes those seeking asylum and human rights workers in Honduras. We now provide advocacy sponsorship for human rights accompaniment in Honduras with Committee for Families of the Detained, Disappeared in Honduras (CODEFAH).
Peace House Land Acknowledgment Statement
Peace House acknowledges that it is located on the ancestral homelands of the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa Nations, collectively known as the Rogue Tribes, who, along with other peoples who used the region seasonally, lived here since time immemorial. These and other Tribal Nations were forcibly removed from their homelands when European invaders inflicted genocide upon Indigenous communities and took control of land, water and natural resources abundant here in the mid 1800s. Euro-American colonization led to war, starvation, resource extraction, and epidemics that imperiled whole communities and irreversibly harmed sacred sites, rivers, and land across the region.
The US and Oregon State governments signed treaties with Tribal Nations, but broke nearly all of them in the decades to come, resulting in a full occupation of Tribal lands for the benefit of European migrants alone. Today, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz represent many of the living descendents of the Takelma, Shasta, and Latgawa peoples.
Peace House recognizes the legacy of knowledge and resiliency of these and other Indigenous peoples. We support the affirming opportunities available from the Land Back movement, among other Indigenous-led initiatives for reconciliation. We recognize also that land acknowledgment statements are performative unless met with meaningful and sustained relationships with local Native communities.
Special thanks to Brook Colley and Dan Wahpepah for their contributions to this statement.

Rent A Room
Peace House and South Mountain Friends Meeting (Quakers) invite you to rent our home for your special class, presentation, discussion group, meeting or event. The South Mountain Home is equipped with a variety of room sizes, and full kitchen. We are conveniently located across the street from Southern Oregon University in Ashland.
We See the Connections
Peace House realizes that no peace is possible without justice. We address core issues with a heart-felt dedication to social justice and a culture of nonviolence. We provide an intersectional platform with partners around the world to address:
- Peaceful Resolutions to War & Nuclear Threats
- Racial Equity & Justice
- Food & Shelter Security
- Indigenous Rights & Reconciliation
- Environmental & Climate Justice
- Immigration & Central American Human Rights
- Women’s Equality & Reproductive Health Care
- Voting Rights & Democracy
- Gun Safety & Police Accountability
- LBGTQ Equality & Safety
- Rights of Incarcerated People & Civil Liberties