Peace House Ashland Oregon


Uncle Food’s Diner Now Served at Trinity Church Hall 

We are thrilled to announce that this week our Tuesday Community Meal was served inside once again, at the Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Ashland. After a challenging journey searching for a new, long term location to serve our free dinners, we are relieved and grateful to partner with the compassionate leadership at Trinity Church.

Each week, for the past 30 years, Peace House has sponsored an inclusive meal that welcomes people from all walks of life. Seniors, families with children, veterans, people with disabilities, and many others know that they can depend on a delicious and nutritious meal and “extras” that they take with them for the following day. It’s an inspirational gathering filled with a generous spirit and radically accepting environment.

For 12 years, the meal was served at Wesley Hall at the First United Methodist Church and included additional services like the La Clinica mobile clinic, OHRA’s shower trailer, nurses who offered foot care, and a small pantry. When the COVID pandemic closed down all public gatherings, all of that stopped. Under the leadership of Maren Faye, we quickly transitioned to a four-day per week program that delivered hot meals to five Ashland locations. That format lasted two years, and we served tens of thousands of meals to people isolated during the pandemic.  

When things began opening back up, we continued to prepare food and partner with the First United Methodist Church but the church transitioned the use of the hall and it was no longer available. We continue to prepare food at the Methodist church and are grateful for their commitment and generosity. 

The saga to find another space then ensued, and we used Pioneer Hall for a few months, until the City of Ashland condemned the building and said they were to renovate it. At that point, we remained flexible and served without missing a beat at the Gazebo in Lithia Park. Even in snowy conditions we served about 100 meals each week to people lined up in the elements. 

We couldn’t do this work without the team of extremely committed volunteers, food donations from our partner organizations, and financial support from the extended community. Everyone is welcome to attend the meal, and we are always on the lookout for volunteer cooks and servers. We serve from 4 – 6 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, at 22 2nd Street in Ashland. 

If you would like to sign up to volunteer please fill out this form online.

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