City of Ashland COVID-19 Response to Protect Economically Vulnerable

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Dear Peace House Community:

If you are concerned about letting the Ashland City Council know you favor measures to address ways in which the members could help to de-stress financial and environmental issues for those who are homeless and low-income, please use the following letter to send your thoughts and petition to the City Council.

There is a proposal of this nature that will be discussed at the Tuesday meeting which begins at 6 PM. This item is a ways down the list in the agenda, by the way.

You can make your requests on behalf of this part of our community known by sending a letter to Mayor or City Council Members to 20 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon 97520 or email today.  More contact information.

Elizabeth V. Hallett, Peace House Director
Derek Pyle, Peace House Outreach Coordinator

DR. Jim Phillips, Peace House Board Director

Subject: COVID-19 Response to Protect Economically Vulnerable
Dear City Council,
Thank you for the actions you have taken in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. Suspending utility late fees and shut offs, and extending payment dates for TOT (Lodging Tax) and the Food and Beverage tax are crucial steps to supporting our local community.
Given the potential public health and economic impacts of COVID-19, I am writing to voice my support of the following additional actions:
  • Leave all public restrooms open with running water and sanitation 24 hours per day to encourage everyone to practice optimum hygiene.
  • Suspend camping tickets so people who are sick may be near bathrooms to stay clean and limit spread of the virus
  • Provide additional trash services near restroom
  • Notify landlords that evictions will be suspended during this time
  • Request businesses do not lock their restrooms or make them only available for customers as this additionally limits hand washing
  • Calculate upcoming TOT losses and consider bridge loans to businesses impacted
  • Suspend all public meetings and arrange Skype or Zoom meetings to meet statutory guidelines
  • Designate a parking lot where people who are living in their cars can self quarantine
  • Set up emergency quarantine spaces for those unable to self quarantine at home / in their car
I realize some of these actions might pose extra burdens on city employees and some businesses. But the alternative of leaving homeless, vulnerable people, and local businesses on their own might become far worse for them and for the city. I urge you to consider implementing these measures.
Thank you.

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