SOBLACC Team would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all of the community members who came to our Civics 101

Beloved Community, 

The SOBLACC Team would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all of the community members who came to our Civics 101 Training last night. We had a great turnout. It was absolutely wonderful to see the community come out and support SOBLACC and participate in a training that was necessary and helpful. I can say that I personally learned alot and I hope everyone who came feels the same way.


There is always more work to be done though, and with Election season right around the corner SOBLACC wants to follow through on our commitments. We want to bring Black Political Power for a Representative southern Oregon. If you are interested or you know someone who is interested in running for elected office in the Rogue Valley please contact SOBLACC. We want to hear from you and we want to help.


Something that should be on our communities radar is SB 683 It provides K-12 instruction on the history of racism against Black people, and then uses that history to teach anti-racism skills:  The ability to recognize racist policies, ideas, and acts, and then to formulate corresponding anti-racist policies, ideas, and acts.  

Once learned, anti-racism skills can be applied to discrimination against any social, ethnic, or racial group or person.

SB  683 has made substantial progress!  With 2 Chief Sponsors in the Senate, including Senator Frederick and the Senate Majority Leader, and 4 co-sponsors, including the Rogue Valley’s own Senator Jeff Golden, momentum is building.  Outreach continues, but already major endorsements are coming in, from the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Urban League of Portland, KairosPDX, University Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Directors,  7 members of the Steering Committee of the Rogue Valley’s Interfaith Council on Social Justice from seven congregations, and many others.


ARCA is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Education Committee on March 10th.  We want lots of support, so PLEASE submit written support to the Committee Using the this Link below, on or before March 8th.



SOEquity has put out a call to action for Aiden Ellison:

“ [Medford, Oregon] – In response to the pre-trial hearing for the case of the State of Oregon vs. Robert Paul Keegan, the Southern Oregon Coalition for Racial Equity (SOEquity) is asking community members to gather on the steps of the Jackson County Courthouse on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 10:15 am. This event is designed to show support for the family of Aidan Ellison and encourage the Jackson County Circuit Courts, District Attorney’s Office, and Keegan’s Defense Attorney to move forward with the trial so that justice may be served. SOEquity asks that all participants wear a mask and practice safe social distancing whenever possible. Additionally, SOEquity encourages participants to wear blue, Aidan’s favorite color, in solidarity.  “

More information on this event and details of the calls to action can be found on the SOEquity website at:


I will be there and I certainly hope to see you out there supporting Aiden Ellison and SOEquity.



The Black Agenda process proved that Black people are committed and ready to make Southern Oregon a place for Black people, families and friends to thrive. While this process was for Black people, by Black people it is actually for all people because until all people are treated fairly and equally humanity suffers. We will have spaces for non-Black people who are committed to the eradication of anti-Blackness to support the vision of Black people in the valley. 2021 will be another challenging year, but working together we can ensure that Southern Oregon learns and respects what it means to have a community that is SOBLACC.

With Black Love,


Keith Jenkins

Community Engagement & Political Strategist


John Fisher-Smith, 1926-2024

John Fisher-Smith, father, grandfather, husband, architect, builder, peace activist, farmer, author, artist, mentor, and friend, died peacefully at age ninety-eight on August 8, 2024. Born on July 3, 1926, he

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