A Call to Help Ojibway Nation Stop the Enbridge Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline

Please contact the White House today!

Peace House urges you to call President Biden and ask him to revoke the permit to build a new Enbridge 3 pipeline in Minnesota. We are acting in response to a nationwide call to action by GreenFaith, an interfaith coalition to promote environmental engagement by congregations and religious schools.

Winona Laduke, a member of the Ojibway Nation who grew up in Ashland, is leading the resistance on the ground. We encourage you to view her very short explanatory video at What Is Line 3?

Then make your call. Use the telephone number 1-888-724-8946.

A recorded voice will acknowledge that you are calling about the pipeline, then you will be transferred to another place where you can leave your message. Be sure you give your name and the city and state where you live.

Then ask that President Biden revoke the permit for the new Enbridge 3 pipeline and require Enbridge to decommission its deteriorated existing line in a way that prevents further environmental damage. Press # when you finish.

GreenFaith suggests that callers ask the President to revoke permits for all oil and gas pipelines and stop approving any new fossil fuel projects. You may wish to, but FCNL’s general rule is to focus each contact on a single and doable action.

A phone call is more effective than an email, but if you prefer to email, go to https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ and fill out the on-line form.


John Fisher-Smith, 1926-2024

John Fisher-Smith, father, grandfather, husband, architect, builder, peace activist, farmer, author, artist, mentor, and friend, died peacefully at age ninety-eight on August 8, 2024. Born on July 3, 1926, he

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