Oregon Rental Assistance Now Available for Qualified Households

Oregon Housing and Community Services will distribute $204 million to qualified renters who have experienced financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic and are at risk of homelessness or housing instability.

OHCS will begin administering the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP) program after federal regulations are detailed. OERAP can help low-income households with their past due rent and utilities. In most cases, payment will be made directly to the landlord or utility provider.

For more information and to apply please visit: https://www.oregonrentalassistance.org.


John Fisher-Smith, 1926-2024

John Fisher-Smith, father, grandfather, husband, architect, builder, peace activist, farmer, author, artist, mentor, and friend, died peacefully at age ninety-eight on August 8, 2024. Born on July 3, 1926, he

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