A Morning of Mindfulness with Dr. Peggy Rowe-Ward, including a Transmission of the 5 Mindfulness Trainings.
The Palomitas de Paz Sangha and Dr. Peggy Rowe-Ward will offer a gentle morning of practice including sitting meditation, walking meditation, a Dharma Talk, body/mind integration and a Transmission of the 5 Mindfulness Practices. Together we will develop our understanding of interbeing, and learn how to practice with eyes of compassion.
For those who wish to attend in person, the event will be at Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1600 Buena Vista Drive, Vista, CA. For those unable to travel, the event will be accessible via Zoom.
This event is being hosted by the Palomitas de Paz Sangha, who ask that all participants, whether attending in person or virtually through Zoom, register via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-eyes-of-compassion-tickets-312934344047
If you wish to officially receive the 5 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission for the first time, or wish to officially renew your existing reception of the Trainings, please contact Brad Wiscons no later than May 10th at bjwiscons at gmail dot com