This drawing, like dozens of others, are sent through letter correspondence with R LL.

Books to Prisoners Group Calls on Community to Sustain Support

This week, Rogue Liberation Library volunteers packed more than almost 80 packages of books, bound for inmates in more than 19 state  prisons across the US. This is not unusual, over the past two years, a dedicated team of nine volunteers, including three librarians, two therapists and a published poet have been sending approximately 1000 books a month, in packages of two and three books. Many requests come from Oregon, California, Texas and other western states. 

Become a Monthly Donor

Even with the generous support of close to 100 individual donors since December 2022, the project needs to receive more financial support to keep up with requests.

“As an all-volunteer operation, we can’t sustain our program without additional funding in 2023,” said Ann Magill, a retired librarian with Rogue Liberation Library. “We’re logging hundreds of volunteer hours each month. Now we need a boost of funding to pay for rising postage rates.” 

In January, postage rates went up to approximately $5 per parcel, so the 301 packages shipped in January cost nearly $1500. So while the team has been working to raise the funds, more money is needed to get books into the hands of prisoners.

“We would like to see a dozen more people commit to a monthly amount, so we can send the packages out with regularity. Otherwise, we are faced with having to cut down on the number of requests we can fill,” Magill continued. “Together we can provide a resource of support for those isolated behind prison walls.” 

Make a Donation Now

“Your program really helps inmates like me try to not let the negativity of this place consume me and helps set my mind free,” said Gabriel, an incarcerated person from Huntsville, Texas. “I am confined to my cell 24/7 and don’t come out or have access to phone calls anymore so it really plays tricks on a person’s mind and time. I am grateful for all that you do. God bless you and thank you again.”

Whether you can offer a one time, tax-deductible donation, or can commit to an affordable monthly amount to help sustain the program, the program could really use your support right now.

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