Reconciliation Symposium in Tulsa Features Black Leaders Across Generations

Tulsa, Oklahoma will host its fourteenth annual Reconciliation in America Symposium at the John Hope Franklin Center May 24 to 27. Speakers with visions for reconciliation and creative justice initiatives will feature multigenerational Black leaders like Dr. Mary Frances Berry, Sania Redman and Amy Stelly. While the event takes place in Tulsa, the Symposium is available online for a fee. 

“We are excited to welcome our symposium scholars and challenge attendees to take on more active advocacy efforts to create a world that happens when reconciliation is active and intentional.”

“In exploring the beginnings of Greenwood, the emergence of a dream that caught the attention of a nation – and the world. Tulsa Greenwood emerged as a beacon of hope to African Americans across the country amidst a flourishing tide of racist policies and practices.”

Virtual event registration is $99 for the whole event or $39 for a single day and some speakers are free for everyone to watch. More information can be found at their comprehensive website,

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The Destruction of Black Wall Street: The Tulsa Riot

On May 31, 1921, reports circulated around Tulsa that a black elevator operator had attacked a white girl.  As tensions grew, mobs of whites entered the black section of town, an area Booker T. Washington had dubbed “Black Wall Street” because of its economic success, and killed an unknown number of African-Americans.  In addition the mobs burned down much of the black neighborhood and may have used airplanes to drop bombs from the air. 

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