Peace House Expresses Our Sorrow, Urges Nonviolent Solutions

Peace House laments and deplores the wholesale slaughter along the border between Israel and Gaza. The horrific, multi-location attack on the Jewish communities, and the kidnapping of civilians including men, women and children transcends any limits that we may have believed were in place, including both International Laws or basic human behaviors. The grief, pain and outrage in our hearts are beyond words.

We mourn the attacks on mothers, fathers, children, aunties, uncles and neighbors that have met with suffering, death, destruction of homes, businesses and communities.

We grieve with all of those affected by this violence. We remain in shock as we watch with horror the binary retributions that seem to be out of control. The mindset of vengeance will lead to more violence, including for many who engage in peace-building and nonviolent forms of dialogue.

We dread the escalation of retaliatory bombings from both sides that will now continue into what could be a very long scenario for more bloodshed spilling over into other parts of the Middle East. We lament not just the violence and destruction that has been unleashed, but for the way this could affect any hope of diplomatic solutions into the foreseeable future.

Both Jews and Palestinians should have the right to live in a world where peace is possible and citizens safety is not in jeopardy. Both Jews and Gazans are now saying that they feel nowhere is safe. We urge diplomatic measures be taken to find a way to recover some sense of order that transcends more violence in a binary us-them escalation.

Peace House urges the international community to insist upon observation of the International Agreements which require respect for basic human needs: water, food, electricity, shelter and health care.  

We believe that the international community must call for both sides to back away from killing and collateral damage as well as basically observing a sense of proportionality to avoid punishing all Palestinians in Gaza for the actions of Hamas. Denying these people shelter, water, food, medical supplies and care does not conform to International Law.

We Need a Third Way Forward

We offer not only our own statement regarding the tragedy and horror of the Gaza massacre, but those of others speaking out in a call for de-escalation and extreme care for all involved while observing principles of International Law.

One third of the people killed so far in Gaza have reportedly been children. The hospitals are all closing down without water or electricity as generators run out of fuel. There are at least 50,000 pregnant women with no access to healthcare or a place to give birth, according to the International Red Cross. This could mean the possible death of some 100,000. Surely this should not be a satisfaction to anyone.

Many groups around the world have developed Arab or Palestinian-Israeli solidarity networks to create an alternative to the binary aggression and hatred that has sadly led both Hamas and Israel to this unimaginable violence. Without a third way, not only Palestinians and Israelis, but others in the Middle East are destined to even more violence, displacement, starvation and death.

Peace House urges support for observation of the principles governing International Law.

We urge that:

  • The International community speak out against the political and humanitarian dangers of further escalation in this conflict.
  • All hostages be freed immediately.
  • Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire.
  • Water, food, healthcare, psychological care and shelter be prioritized by the State of Israel for the survivors of the Hamas attack.
  • International shipments of humanitarian aid be allowed into Gaza to support immediate access to food, water, medicine, and communications for those displaced by Israeli bombing.

We Must be Governed by International Law

Last Friday, Sven Kuhn VanBergstok-Burgdorff, the recently retired EU Envoy to Palestine was interviewed by Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman:

Let me start by saying I’m fully aware of this deep hate and frustration and despair which befell the Israeli society. And when they speak of their 9/11, of what happened last Saturday, I understand, of course, that view and that emotional tension they are under right now, and that makes it so difficult to have a rational discussion, not only in Israel, but also in Europe and in the U.S.

But we have to be aware that we still are governed by international law. We have left the medieval times. We have rules of conduct for war. We have rules of conduct of how apply humanitarian principles. And no matter what Hamas did, it does not justify the incredible use of lethal force without distinction and without proportionality as far as the Palestinian population is concerned in Gaza. Distinction, proportionality and precaution are sacrosanct principles for the code of conduct of armed hostilities. And Israel, as a democracy, cannot escape that and has to be held accountable. It cannot be that Israel has a carte blanche because terrible acts, brutal, gruesome acts happened to … 1,200 Israelis.* That is not the excuse you can use to flatten Gaza.

Note: This number has since climbed to more than 1300.

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