FCNL Petition: ‘The U.S. Must Act to De-Escalate the Violence in Israel and Palestine’

Editor’s Note: Peace House has worked alongside our Quaker partners for 30 years to support peace and justice initiatives in the US and around the world. The following online action has been provided by Friends Committee on National Legislation, who lobbies Congress and other decision-makers with values-based policy recommendations. Please support these efforts by adding your name to the more than 425,000 people who have already signed on to this ceasefire petition targeting members of Congress.

From FCNL:

We are heartbroken by the recent violence in Israel and Gaza. As Quakers, we deeply mourn the loss of all lives and pray for those who have lost loved ones due to this latest escalation. We unequivocally condemn Hamas’ attacks and inhumane treatment of civilians and call for the release of all hostages. We also condemn the indiscriminate and violent Israeli response that has already claimed thousands of civilian lives.

More war and weapons won’t bring peace. In the face of growing violence, lawmakers must:

  • Publicly call for a ceasefire, de-escalation, and respect for international law.
  • Protect lives—those of the hostages and all civilians, including the roughly 1 million children who live in Gaza.
  • Address the root causes underlying this explosion of violence, including decades of institutionalized oppression and collective punishment of Palestinians through brutal military occupation and a 16-year Gaza blockade.

Urge Congress to call for an immediate ceasefire, de-escalation, and restraint to prevent further civilian harm in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

To submit a personalized letter to your member of Congress visit FCNL.org

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