I grew up in Lexington, Massachusetts and there developed an interest in American history as well as an appreciation of civic beauty as expressed in Lexington’s village green and the architecture of the 1700’s. Onto college in Boston, a great place to indulge these interests as well as to become a baseball fan, Fenway Park within walking distance of the Simmons campus.
After graduation I traveled to France and married in Paris, where our first son, Christopher, was born. There we learned that husband David had been awarded a Fulbright grant to teach in Egypt. And so across the Mediterranean to experience the culture shock of an Islamic world and the wonders of an ancient civilization. A second son, William, was born in Cairo.
Back in the US and settled in California where daughter Victoria was born, I earned a credential and taught high school English. The Vietnam War propelled me into active protest through WILPF, Women for Peace, and actions taken by College Park Friends’ Meeting. After years in Big Sur as staff at Esalen, I moved to Oregon to be near older son. And now I occupy myself with responsibilities at South Mountain Friends Meeting, as a volunteer at ACCESS and the Maslow Project, and with reading, knitting and considerable baseball watching.