We are fasting to call on the U.S. government to release, reunify, apologize, and make amends to all immigrant families kidnapped by ICE.

We are fasting to call on the U.S. government to release, reunify, apologize, and make amends to all immigrant families kidnapped by ICE.

Wednesday, August 22 – Friday 24

10am – 8PM
Triangle Park, Siskiyou Blvd and Liberty St.
Calling for Community Support! Calling all the Mamas and the Papas and the children!

We are fasting to call on the U.S. government to release, reunify, apologize, and make amends to all immigrant families kidnapped by ICE. All people, especially children, deserve to be safe, free, and loved – not tortured, abused, and terrorized.

Ashland fasters will spend each day Wednesday – Friday at Triangle Park, with access to an in-door location (as we assess the smoky air situation). Supporters are invited to gather there daily, especially at at 10am, noon, and6pm. We will have music, readings of Shakespeare’s piece on immigration, and speakers.

On Wednesday, August 22, 10am – 8pm, in Triangle Park all day.

On Thursday, August 23, 10am – 5pm in Triangle Park, then at 5pm we will walk from Triangle Park to the Labyrinth at Trinity Church, in a symbolic “Walk A Mile In Their Shoes” Event.

On Friday, August 24, 10am – 5pm in Triangle Park, at 5pm we will walk to Pioneer Hall on Winburn Way to join our brothers and sisters there for a Break the Fast Celebration. Music, Poetry, and Speakers. AND FOOD!

There will be activities in which children can participate, information on actions you can take, petitions to be signed, a letter writing campaign table, a ‘Commit To Vote November 6th’ station, access to voter registration info and more. Music, Meditation, Yoga, Chanting, Singing. Serving Food for the Soul.

If you haven’t already, please join our FB group:
our Ashland event page:
our website:

In Triangle Park, rather than the Plaza, because if we choose to go without food for three days, we at least need to be on grass and under trees!

#Hungry4Justice – Families Belong Together and Free

Empty Bowls: October 25

It’s time for a new bowl!  Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Empty Bowls, a fundraiser to support feeding hungry people in our community. Every ticket holder will

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