OBAMA HOLDS UP MUNITIONS SHIPMENTS TO ISRAELI MILITARY ISRAEL LOBBY EXERTS PRESSURE PLEASE SUPPORT PRESIDENT On August 14 President Obama told the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that munitions transfers to Israel, including Hellfire missiles, would no longer be a routine “check-the-box approval” process, given Israel’s use of them against civilians in Gaza. An Administration official said the decision to scrutinize future transfers at the highest levels amounted to “the United States saying ‘The buck stops here. Wait a second…It’s not OK anymore.'” During the assault on Gaza the DoD had been sending munitions as a routine matter. But as Jibril Rajoub, a leader in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Western-backed Fatah party said, doing so makes the U.S. “a partner in this crime.” The President’s decision has called down upon him the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby and the many Congress members who are unquestioning servants of AIPAC. He needs to hear from ordinary Americans that we believe he is doing the right thing by finally beginning to curtail U.S. support for Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. So either call the White House comment line at tel: 202-456-1111 or leave an on-line comment at http://www.whitehouse.gov/ During the horrific assault on Gaza, we haven’t been able to do much except suffer in sympathy with the victims of U.S.-supported Israeli behavior. Here at last is a meaningful action we can take. |

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