Episcopal priest, teacher, and spiritual leader Adam Bucko calls for spiritual defiance in the face of the current administration’s policies and actions.
How do we react to the cruelty emanating from the highest offices in the country? There is a temptation to lash out, to scream, to respond in kind. But that would be feeding the beast even more. We need to remember our principles, our convictions. Bucko asks: “But how do we do this in practice? How do we hold onto clarity and courage when the world around us seems to be unraveling? We need resources—spiritual, intellectual, and communal—to help us remain steadfast.”
To address these challenges, we must confront our beliefs and narratives, acknowledging our connection to the systems we critique. This requires a commitment to both inner and outer work, rejecting violence, greed, and exploitative power, even at personal cost.
He suggests the following strategies:
- Pause and connect with yourself.
- Develop a spiritual perspective.
- Understand how we got here.
- What is needed from a Movement Strategy Perspective?
- Discern what’s yours to do.
- Get organized – but start with your own community.
- Stay informed – thoughtfully.
- Embrace non-violence as a way of life.