A note from Jeff about the new congress – Feb. 3

While addressing the pandemic must remain our top priority, Congress must also simultaneously address the other urgent crises that are knocking on our door — attacks on the very heart of our democratic republic, the threat of climate chaos, and the lack of opportunity for working families across the country.

That’s why I’m going to keep up the fight to pass the For the People Act to put the power back in the hands of the American people; bills like the Good Jobs for 21st Century Energy Act that will help us harness the climate challenge as an opportunity to build a green economy made up of reliable, good-paying jobs; and the innovative policies we need to put affordable housing, good-paying jobs, quality health care, and a well-rounded education within reach for Oregonians in every corner of our state.

Serving the people of Oregon — particularly during this tumultuous and challenging time — is the honor of my lifetime. I am determined to do all that I can to ensure that our ‘We the People’ government is restored, and that it works for all of you, not the powerful special interests, and delivers the action and support our families need to survive this pandemic and to thrive in the chapters ahead.

All my best,

Working with the Biden Administration to Deliver for You

President Joe Biden earned a powerful mandate from the American people to deliver on everything from coronavirus relief, health care, and jobs, to immigration reform, climate action, and the student loan debt crisis. Before any of that can happen, Congress must confirm his nominees to lead the federal agencies.

Throughout January, Jeff carefully reviewed the credentials of, and met with, a number of President Biden’s cabinet Secretary nominees, including Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency nominee Michael Regan and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations nominee Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and now-confirmed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Jeff remains committed to thoroughly considering each of President Biden’s nominees, and will continue to urge them to use their departments to put the interest of working Americans ahead of the wish lists of the powerful and privileged.

Helping Oregon’s Rural Communities Fund Vital Services

The coronavirus crisis has squeezed resources in every part of Oregon, but some of the very hardest hit communities have been rural ones with fewer resources to begin with. That’s why Jeff joined a bipartisan group of senators in pushing to ensure that the bills that will fund the government throughout 2021 included a reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) and Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) programs.

The $515 million Jeff and his colleagues secured for PILT helps Oregon counties that have large tracts of federal land, which doesn’t pay property taxes, cover costs associated with public safety, social services, transportation, and housing. In addition, Oregon’s rural school districts continue to receive SRS funding through 2021 from Senator Merkley’s efforts in passing legislation in 2019.

Jeff also used his seat as the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations subcommittee funding the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fight for a number of the department’s Rural Development programs, including rural housing and business development programs.  He is the only member of Oregon’s congressional delegation who directs federal spending by serving on an appropriations committee.

Supporting Americans’ Mental Health During the Pandemic

“The challenges of this pandemic have further emphasized what so many of us, our friends, and our family members have long known: Mental health care is essential care,” Jeff said last month, as he announced that Tribal organizations in Oregon and the state Health Authority will receive $4.66 million in federal funding to support mental health and substance abuse treatment. “I’m grateful that this funding is headed to tribal communities to help strengthen and boost accessibility to mental health services, and will continue to work to ensure that tribal members receive the resources and support they need to be healthy during this difficult time.”

The Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians and the Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest will each receive $1.08 million, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians will receive $500,000, and the Oregon Health Authority will receive $2 million in funding.

Please visit the CDC mental health resources page for more information and recommendations about how to best care for your mental health during this crisis.

Addressing Oregon’s Housing Crisis

As Oregon continues to grapple with a severe shortage of affordable housing — a crisis that has only deepened since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic — Jeff worked to ensure that the federal spending bills that passed in December would fund programs and resources Oregonians need to keep roofs over their heads.

Those resources include $1.41 billion for rental assistance in rural communities, $40 million for Rural Housing Service Vouchers, and $3.5 billion in federal funding for Community Development Block Grants, which fund vital housing rehabilitation projects. Jeff also led 37 of his colleagues in a successful effort to provide an additional $895 million to support continuing rental assistance for 1.2 million low-income households, and helped ensure that critical housing programs that support the elderly and people with disabilities were also preserved.

Thank you!

Thank you for reading — and don’t forget, you can see the latest updates by liking Jeff on Facebook and following Jeff on Twitter. And be sure to check Merkley.senate.govfor more information and current events.


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Empty Bowls: October 25

It’s time for a new bowl!  Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Empty Bowls, a fundraiser to support feeding hungry people in our community. Every ticket holder will

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