Ancient Futures is a ommunity-driven effort to create a permanent, public art installation inspired by the Say Their Names Memorial.

Ancestor’s Future: The Tantalizing Potential Of Public Art

Announcement from Say Their Names Project

“After 2 years of working with on thee Say Their Names (STN) project, first on the existing memorial, then as a part of the STN collective, and now as a supportive capacity on as a member of the Public Arts Commission (PAC), I am thrilled to share with the public an invitation to the first of two public forums.  These forums are a required  part of the city council’s resolution to accept the gift of a permanent art installation by local artist, Micah Blacklight.”

“We invite you to the Gresham Room in Ashland’s Public Library, January 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM to learn about the tantalizing potential of a new public artwork.

Join the panel / community discussion along with artist Micah Blacklight, who is gifting our town with a permanent Say Their Names Memorial, Ancestor’s Future: Crystallizing Our Call, at the first of two community forums in accordance with the acceptance resolution of the Ashland City Council.

This educational event is presented by the Ashland Public Arts Advisory Committee (PAAC) and will be FREE to all members of the community. Space is limited.


For more details about the artwork, or to make a tax deductible donation to help bring this work to fruition, visit BASE Oregon Say Their Names page.

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