Ashland-Sviatorhirsk Project Warms Hearts, Homes

The work of the Ashland-Sviatohirsk Aid Project, or ASAP, continues to deepen with beneficial projects including the timely insulation of homes, with the support of people from the Rogue Valley. The City of Sviartohirsk works to rebuild after Russian attacks damaged buildings and critical infrastructure.

Last weekend, the group hosted a successful benefit that featured esteemed musicians and elevated the messages of key spokespeople including Mayor Tonya Graham, Jim Nagel and Ben Stott. Local television news covered the event and thousands of dollars were once again raised by Rogue Valley supporters to benefit the project. 

After gaining the Sister City status with the City of Ashland, residents of both Sviatorhisk and Ashland are now connected with aims of building a long term, supportive relationship. The stated mission of ASAP includes to “promote, foster and maintain a mutually beneficial and rewarding collegial relationship with a city in Ukraine on a long term basis.” 

The group works toward that mission through public education and humanitarian aid projects, including a simple but effective process of installing insulators in residents’ homes to help keep people warm during winter months. ASAP is comprised of high Board members from Ashland that show their dedication through their fundraising efforts and by identifying effective relief strategies for returning residents to Sviatohirsk. To see examples of the home insulation project, visit

The City of Ashland unanimously approved the sister city partnership June 20, when Ben Stott and Jim Nagel shared their plan to support Sviatohirsk with the City Council and it was adopted. Many others in the region have supported the project through financial donations, public support, and by donating their time to engage in the mutual aid effort for the war torn city.

Ben Stott is featured in a short video released by Ukrainian Aid International, where Stott serves on the Steering Committee is also the fiscal sponsor for ASAP. The video features Ashland’s Ben Stott touring the city, meeting with the Mayor, and examining both damage to infrastructure and opportunities for effective aid projects that people can support

The goal of the Ashland/Sviatohirsk Sister City Project is to promote, foster and maintain a mutually beneficial and rewarding collegial relationship with a city in Ukraine on a long term basis. To make a donation to the ASAP project or get involved with future efforts, visit

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