Calendar of Events – Jan. 11th 2021


Peace House

Peace House
P.O. Box 524
Ashland, OR

Happy New Year!

Calendar of Events


Other Organizations

Start the year with some refreshingly good things that happened in last year.
18 Actually Good Things That Happened in 2020

Ashland Climate Action Project

SOCANConfronting Climate Change

SOCAN’s Ashland Climate Action Project will continue to focus on local advocacy, outreach, and education in support of full implementation of Ashland’s Climate and Energy Action Plan.

Spotlight on Local Food: A Zoom Conversation,
Thursday January 14, 7-8pm

How to make big progress on issues YOU care about! Take these FREE online workshops! Mid January – Late Febuary

Visit Parallax Perspectives

Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C. is a former Senator, Member of Parliament, Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, author, and Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta.

“Humanity faces a triple emergency: the global problems of climate change, nuclear weapons, and the coronavirus are monumental. Cooperation between governments and peoples has never been so necessary for common survival. The election of Joe Biden as U.S. president opens a new path for world cooperation for peace. In this up-to-the-minute book, former Senator Douglas Roche, a leading Canadian advocate for peace, points to a new basis for hope in the urgent agenda for human security.”

To attend send a request for the Zoom link to Rudy Westervelt at

Deconstructing Whiteness – A Learning Space

SOARB (Southern Oregon Anti-Racist Businesses) is a collective of business owners who (under the guidance of Southern Oregon Coalition for Racial Equity and a BIPOC advisory committee) choose to transparently and tangibly devote themselves to changing the culture – inside of their business, inside of their supply and distribution chains and inside of their community – to one of anti-racism.

If you are a business owner and would like to be a part of forming the collective – each new business participation shapes and strengthens the collective – please let us know!

The SOARB organizing team will be hosting a meeting specifically for cultivating a Community Outreach Team on January 30th. Please save the date!

If this sparks your interest, we would also love for you to join our next (2nd) meeting for ‘earliest adopter’ business owners  on January 14 and learn more about the intention of SOARB and our collective/community contract as well as gain insight into the process for business owners to implement anti-racist policies. Those interested in the Outreach team are invited to attend the ‘Earliest Adopters’ meeting on January 14 in a listening capacity.

Send us a ‘yes’ at our email: and we’ll send you the link to register for next Thursday’s collective meeting. 🙂  

Crossing Party Lines

Challenge to the Rogue Valley to read the book

Many of the issues taken on by the 1960s’ Civil Rights Movement are still problematic today.

As the local organizers of this year’s MLK Day events, we encourage our entire community to read Why We Can’t Wait by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to educate ourselves about the issues Dr. King identified, how we can overcome them, and why the time is now.

Watch the show.
RVTV Prime (Cable 9 & 180 in Southern Oregon) and streaming on Facebook Live
Monday, January 18, 2:00 PM

Visit Southern Oregon MLK

Winter 2021 Dromenon Program
 Live ZOOM series

Release, Receive, Renew, ReJOICE

Themes and Dates:
Every Friday via ZOOM at 2 PM Pacific, Jan 15 – Apr 2, 2021
We’ll focus on three overarching intentions:
  • Strengthen our personal resolve, resilience, and creativity
  • Generate community energy to help sustain the field of wellbeing of the world
  • Discern appropriate actions to help safeguard the health of democracy while exploring, recognizing and reporting on the truth of joy in the world!


It takes all of us doing what we can to build and sustain this vibrant and powerful network. We can’t do all we do without you. Thank you for all you do!

Did you mean to donate and didn’t get a chance? It’s never too late to help! Your support for ROP helps us to stay focused on the work at hand, to support more than 80 autonomous human dignity groups building community power and organizing for justice, democracy and dignity across Oregon

This year among other horrors,

we watched the pandemic run through our industrial food system — a system from which resilience has been trimmed as dead weight on industrial efficiency and profits. The mask came off this system that we’ve been forced to depend on and we saw just how rotten and undependable it is:

Story tips? Feedback?
E-mail Joseph Bullington at






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Empty Bowls: October 25

It’s time for a new bowl!  Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Empty Bowls, a fundraiser to support feeding hungry people in our community. Every ticket holder will

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