Urging Public Comment Submissions on Draft Environmental Impact Statement
On December 7th, 2023, there will be a virtual public comment writing party with People vs Fossils Fuels. All are welcome and can register for this session here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrcuusqjIiHNSQqFH0ID1davrVIBxBkAs1
The public comment period for the long awaited release of the Dakota Access Pipeline Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DAPL DEIS) has been extended from November 13th to December 13th, 2023 thanks to the unwavering community outreach from tribal grassroots leadership.
As part of the EIS process, on November 1st and 2nd, 2023, public comment meetings were held in Bismarck, North Dakota.
On the first day of the public hearings, a rally took place outside the Radisson hotel where the Army Corps of Engineers were holding the meetings.
However, the first day of the public hearings were not conducted in a usual format. When people arrived they were assigned numbers that were then used to call them when it was their turn, and directed to stand behind black curtains to give their statement. A total of 103 public comments were submitted to include those from grassroots community members, and representatives from 350, Honor the Earth, Sierra Club and the Indigenous Environmental Network.
On the second day the organizers conducted the meeting in the usual form and format, and provided microphones that allowed everyone who spoke to be heard by everyone in the room. The Indigenous community, in the tradition of community care, provided a meal of traditional foods for those who attended.
Meanwhile, as public comments were being given, during both days, the Army Corp of Engineers held private meetings with the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes to discuss the DEIS. They provided their own official comments, that included calls for decommissioning the pipeline, capping, and draining of all remaining oil. Standing Rock tribal officials and community members are now in the process of scheduling a Congressional hearing – date and time to be announced.

On December 7th, 2023, there will be a virtual public comment writing party with People vs Fossils Fuels. All are welcome and can register for this session here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrcuusqjIiHNSQqFH0ID1davrVIBxBkAs1
“The Dakota Access Pipeline is on its last dying breath. After almost a decade of fighting, we have the chance to end this black snake. We have seen that even in their most recent EIS, published earlier this year in September, they did not consult our communities, they do not care about Mother Earth, and they are making us a sacrifice zone for oil money. Hunkpapha Lakhota Oyate never stopped fighting, and it’s thanks to our community members and leaders that we get more time for our voices to be heard. We have until December 13, 2023, to submit a public comment decrying the construction for this unnecessary, dangerous, inhumane pipeline. Comment now. Act now. Raise your voice and be heard to finally shut down DAPL!” Brenna TwoBears (Diné, Hočak, Standing Rock Lakota), IEN Keep it in the Ground Lead Coordinator.
Details on how to submit a public comments by the deadline: December 13, 2023:
Public comments can be sent via EMAIL to:
USE the Subject line: “Comments on the DAPL DEIS”
Or via USPS to:
Attn: Brent Cossette
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1616 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, NE 68102
Additional contact information: CENWO-PA, 402-995-2417 cenwo-pa@usace.army.mil