Fundraiser: An Outpouring of Support for The Hungry
By Elizabeth Hallet
This year’s annual Empty Bowls fundraiser was a stellar example of how people in the Rogue Valley know how to pull together to get things done! Involved in the creation of the event were approximately 40 potters; 60 volunteers to heat and serve soup and artisan breads; and the City Council ladling out the fine fare from seven local restaurants!
The Empty Bowls Project is a unique and remarkable example of what collaboration in our community can do for those in need. Thirteen restaurants and bakeries, three foundations and six business sponsors throughout the Rogue Valley combined their talents with a huge team of potters and servers to create an innovative approach to fundraising.
To view Empty Bowls photos, click here . |
Over 200 people attended the 25th Anniversary of Uncle Food’s Diner. There were seven sponsors who each donated $1000. or more to round out the the ticket sales, for a total of $15,200. This will be shared amongst the communities distributing food including Uncle Foods Diner; Ashland Emergency Food Bank; the Food Angels and Access. Kudos and gratitude to Kathryn Thalen for coordinating the teams and donors, and to the team leaders who worked so diligently with her!
Thanks and praise go to:
Sponsors and major donors included: