Peace House Ashland Oregon


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Nuclear Power and Weapons in a Time of Rising Tensions

Veterans for Peace invites you to attend a special No Nukes! webinar features arms industry expert William Hartung, Linda Pentz-Gunter with Beyond Nuclear, and Greg Mello, of the Los Alamos Study Group.

Speakers include:
William Hartung, an expert on US military spending;
Linda Pentz-Gunter, founder of Beyond Nuclear; and
Greg Mello, director of the Los Alamos Study Group.


Register for the event here!

BASE Juneteenth Celebration Peppered with Shadow Protest

By Kerul Dyer Last week, as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth in Medford at the BASE event, a dark shadow of hate peppered the outskirts of the crowd. The small group holding signs were thankfully missed by many in attendance and minimally impacted the lively celebration – but their grave and violent depictions disturbed many youth at the event. At hand are members of the “Salt Shaker” group, known for displaying grotesque images and harassing passersby with obscene commentary and

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