Peace House Ashland Oregon


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An Empowering Conversation About Fire, Climate Change and Community

Ashland Together and present An Empowering Conversation About Fire, Climate Change and Community, a public presentation by Lomakatsi Restoration Project. Founder and Executive Director Marco Bey and Tribal Partnerships Director Belinda Brown discuss Collaborative Forest Restoration: A Win-Win for People and Nature.

This free event will take place on July 15, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Carpenter Hall, 44 S. Pioneer, Ashland. Restoration Project. Founder and Executive Director Marco Bey and Tribal Partnerships Director Belinda Brown discuss Collaborative Forest Restoration: A Win-Win for People and Nature. This free event will take place on July 15, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Carpenter Hall, 44 S. Pioneer, Ashland.

In the face of climate change and the new reality of wildfire in the West, collaborative, community-based forest restoration is a proven solution to help protect communities and natural resources. Lomakatsi will share their model for leveraging federal and state agreements with local partnerships to build long-term, landscape-scale forest and watershed stewardship projects. These agreements can bring millions of federal dollars to help create fire-adapted ecosystems and communities, while supporting sustainable jobs and local economies. This hands-on stewardship approach enhances wildlife habitat and helps prepare the landscape for beneficial fire.


Children in Gaza Are Starving at An Alarming Rate: Please Consider Donating

by Peace House staff By now you’ve heard about the widespread crisis for children in Gaza, where starvation is becoming commonplace and families struggle to survive. CNN recently published a profile of one family, who suffered tragic losses after the Israel rescue operation last month, and then published another article outlining the results from a Save the Children report issued this week. “Horrific images continue to emerge from Gaza of children dying before their families’ eyes due to the continued

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