On August 31, the Jackson County Fuel Committee will host a Folk Music Festival at Paschal Winery to celebrate 46 years of mutual aid work that provides much-needed firewood and utility advocacy for residents of the Rogue Valley. The important fundraising event will feature delicious food, live music, and an opportunity to learn how you can get involved to help neighbors stay warm during winter months.
“The Folk Music Festival brings together the hundreds of people who make our work possible throughout the year, from the individuals who donate wood to our woodlot to volunteers who learn advocacy working with JCFC benefit recipients to keep their power connected,” said Foster Gough from the Jackson County Fuel Committee. “It’s a celebration, and a very encouraging one to those of us involved in the year-round effort.”
The Jackson County Fuel Committee (JCFC) will be celebrating 46 years as an all-volunteer membership association organizing to make heat and energy accessible to all Rogue Valley low-income residents.The event commemorates progress and victories to “end government policies that allow energy profiteering and threaten the future of our people and the planet.”
The Folk Music Festival has a suggested donation of $25 per person and runs from 6-9 p.m. Paschal Winery is located at 1122 Suncrest Rd. in Talent.