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Gather to Honor the Earth, Rebalance Ourselves

trilium in the woods with creek in the background
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
March 23

Lithia Park

Southern Oregon Pachamama Alliance (SOPA) is hosting a Spring Equinox Ceremony near the upper duck pond at Lithia Park in Ashland. Parking is available off Winburn Way, just north of the Granite Street intersection. Everyone is invited.

The spring equinox always arrives when we seem most ready to welcome the transition of seasons. At this time of the year, day and night are in balance, a perfect time to seek balance in our internal lives as well. In light of all the turmoil we are experiencing currently, it is a perfect time to pause for a moment or two to be with ourselves and friends while tapping into the greatest source of all – what some call, the Pachamama. For a short time, at least, nothing is required of us, we can throw away, or hide, the “to do” list. We can just show up and be in the flow of ceremony.

SOPA has hosted simple Solstice and Equinox celebrations, facilitated by Louise Paré, since the winter of 2012. The celebrations are centered on gratitude while gently reflecting on themes related to the season, recent events or the state of our world at this time. Attendees are invited to speak from their hearts or to simply be in silence in community with others.

March 2025
Mar 21
21 March 2025

Get support with writing letters and postcards, making phone calls and sending emails to our U.S. and state senators and representatives.

Mar 21
21 March 2025
Rogue Gallery and Art Center, 40 South Bartlett St.
Medford, OR 97501 United States

The public is invited to a reception for Internationally renowned Ashland artist Betty LaDuke. Her exhibit “Bringing the World Together” highlights the connections between diverse regions and people from around the world.

Mar 23
23 March 2025

Co-presenters Rabbi Alissa Wise and Huwaida Arraf will speak to what lies ahead for pro-Palestinian activism.