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Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy

map of world showing in red countries w sanctions
December 10
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy

Sanctions, the illegal unilateral coercive measures imposed on a third of humanity by the US and its allies, are a form of warfare and an ever more contested means of enforcing the dominance of the west on the majority of the world’s peoples. In fact, sanctions are boomeranging on the US bloc with inflation causing hardship at home and US dollar dominance being challenged. However, by far the greatest burden so is borne by some 40 countries targeted by the lethal sanctions, with the impacts ever more punishing. This webinar will launch the new Sanctions Kill book and feature speakers on the latest developments in key regions of the world.

Speakers (and book chapter authors):

Introduction – Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Latin America – Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace
Europe – Carlos Martinez, Invent the Future
China – Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network
Middle East – Judy Bello, United National Antiwar Coalition
Africa – Amadi Ajamu
Conclusion – Rick Sterling, Task Force on the Americas

Register for this Webinar Here

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December 2024
Dec 21
21 December 2024
Bellevue Grange, 1050 Tollman Creek Road
Ashland, Or 97520

Red Earth Descendants will facilitate a free storytelling event at the Ashland Grange on December 21 from 5-9. This is a potluck event, so please bring a dish to share.