Peace House Ashland Oregon


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Where the Olive Trees Weep

Jewish Voice for Peace invites you to a premiere screening of  “Where the Olive Trees Weep” on June 20 at the Varsity Theater. A suggested donation of $10 or two for $15 will be accepted at the door.

Jewish Voice for Peace Rogue Valley is committed to helping to educate our Community. about the origins and roots of the Palestine/Israel conflict.

Our goal is to shed light on the brutal, 75-year occupation of Palestine, the 16-year blockade of Gaza, and the true nature of Israel as an apartheid State.

Our mass media, unfortunately, often portrays Israel as the victim, a nation under attack from violent, barbaric, and anti-Semitic Arab terrorists. Where the Olive Trees Weep explores the trauma and pain that Palestinians experience under occupation, and the beauty and resilience of the Palestinian people as they struggle to heal themselves and continue in their quest for Freedom, Justice, and Equality.

The screening coincides with 21 Days of Conversation about the film and its implications. Learn  more here.

BASE Juneteenth Celebration Peppered with Shadow Protest

By Kerul Dyer Last week, as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth in Medford at the BASE event, a dark shadow of hate peppered the outskirts of the crowd. The small group holding signs were thankfully missed by many in attendance and minimally impacted the lively celebration – but their grave and violent depictions disturbed many youth at the event. At hand are members of the “Salt Shaker” group, known for displaying grotesque images and harassing passersby with obscene commentary and

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