Food, Milk and Meat sent to desolate areas in Ukraine

Project HOPE in Poland purchases food and organizes supply caravans into war torn Ukraine. 

Since Ashlander Ben Stott’s two-month journey through Poland and into Ukraine began this fall, Peace House has been instrumental in sending funds to help purchase food and supplies. The funds are used by Project HOPE to make deliveries into outlying areas near the border between Ukraine and Russia, where people are suffering with few resources, including no heat, food or water. Below are photos of some of the pallets of food being distributed by small groups of volunteer drivers willing to go into these areas where larger international groups will not go, for fear that insurance won’t cover damage from any explosive events. 

Peace House Director Elizabeth Hallett formed a relationship a coordinator with Project HOPE named Magda who organizes food purchases in Poland and convoys that especially reach recently liberated Ukrainian villages. 

The photos below represent a snapshot of what Peace House has been able to help fund through generous contributions for the cause.

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