Alex Sol's daughters Sympony and Sky pictured with sign supporting the Safe Zone Solution.

Local Parent Unveils ‘Safe Zone Solution’ to Prepare for School Shooting in Ashland

The proposed solution includes centralized locking mechanisms and appropriately designed, bullet resistant doors.

by Kerul Dyer

This evening at 5:30 p.m. at the Ashland Hills Hotel, Alex Sol, a parent of two Ashland School District students, will host a presentation about a proposed plan to improve safety in the event of an active school shooting incident. The plan, called Safe Zone Solution, includes the installation of bullet resistant safety doors and centralized locking mechanisms that can be installed in schools and used in the event of an active shooter. 

“Children, parents and educators are scared and they have a right to a plan that almost guarantees their safety,” said Alex Sol, founder of Safe Zone Solution. “We must come together to ensure that the catastrophic devastation caused by lack of preparation in our schools does not happen here in Ashland.”

Alex Sol presents a video to explain the Safe Zone Solution.

The multimedia presentation will include a thorough analysis of prior shooting incidents at schools through a screening on school vulnerabilities and a testimonial by a Sandy Hook survivor. In addition, Yonti Urratia, an active school shooter educator and gun expert, will provide compelling evidence that the proposed actions could provide significant safety improvements and will be available for a Q&A session.

The three-part “Safe Zone Solution” proposes:

  • Replacing the existing glass on all exterior entry points with bullet proof glass
  • Installing bullet resistant security doors which cannot be breached by a shooter
  • An immediate access to information on where to find safety during an active shooter situation.

According to the Safe Zone Solution website, the goal of the event is to “educate the public and petition the Ashland School District to fix potential liabilities and demand the highest standard of safety during a school shooting.” Sol’s proposal has already received some support from the Ashland community and plans to petition the School Board.

To learn more about this unique proposal, visit

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