March on Ashland for Gaza: 1 pm Jan 13 at Ashland Plaza

Submitted by Jewish Voice for Peace

Please join Jewish Voice for Peace Rogue Valley and other concerned southern Oregonians as we rally in Ashland for a ceasefire in Gaza. This rally is in support of the March on Washington for Gaza, sponsored by the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine, taking place on the same day. 

From the DC organizers: “We encourage Americans of all backgrounds to join this historic march through Washington, DC and demand that President Biden secure a ceasefire, stop providing weapons to the Israeli government, and hold Israeli officials accountable for the crimes against humanity they have committed with U.S. taxpayer dollars.”  

“President Biden has spent three months ignoring the screams of Palestinian children trapped under the rubble of their homes and the cries of grieving mothers in besieged hospitals across Gaza. This must end. We must ensure that President Biden hears the voices of the American people loudly and clearly outside the White House on Saturday, Jan. 13th.”     

Our Ashland event is family friendly! Please bring signs, kites, noise-makers and warm clothes. Wear red, green and white in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Be ready to sing and be in community with your Rogue Valley neighbors as we lift our voices for all of humanity and advocate for an end to the massacres and destruction in the Gaza Strip.

John Fisher-Smith, 1926-2024

John Fisher-Smith, father, grandfather, husband, architect, builder, peace activist, farmer, author, artist, mentor, and friend, died peacefully at age ninety-eight on August 8, 2024. Born on July 3, 1926, he

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