Murder Trial for Aiden Ellison Started this Week

The trial for the murder of Aiden Ellison began this week. Paul Keegan faces charges of second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter and unlawful possession of a firearm after admitting to shooting and killing 19-year-old Aiden Ellison at the Stratford Inn on Nov. 23, 2020.

A jury of 12 people have been selected and already they have heard the arguments from Oregon State prosecutor Samantha Olson and one of the attorneys for the defense, Clint Oborn. Variations in the story and conflicting evidence from claims of a fist fight will make a big impact on a verdict and any sentencing of the 49-year-old Paul Keegan, a resident of the Stratford Inn in Ashland at the time. 

As the trial unfolds, Peace House will continue to highlight the issues brought forward in the case, both inside and outside of the courtroom. 

Last monday, as reported students and faculty from Ashland High School marched downtown at 1 p.m. where they were met by allies working to lift up the issue in a public way. 

“If Robert Keegan would have looked at Aidan as simply a human being, a 19-year-old doing what 19-year-olds do, he might still be alive today, said Gina DuQuenne, Ashland City Counselor during a speech at Monday’s youth-led rally for Aiden Ellison. “I don’t want Aidan’s murder to be in vain. I hope that Aidan opened the eyes of people that have been walking around with closed hearts. “

As reported by Debora Gordon for Truth to Power’s Isadora Millay proclaimed, “Our promise to Aidan: we vow to never forget you. We commit to ensuring that your death will catalyze a transformation in our town. We will use our voices and the opportunities afforded us to stand with people of color in our community. We will fight to honor you and all of the others who have fallen to systemic racism engrained in our valley. We will fight to be better.”

Read more about the trial on,, Rogue Valley Times, and OPB.

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