Peace House Ashland Oregon


Nancy Spencer Memorial

Nancy Spencer Memorial
July 20, 2019
2:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Center
4th and C Streets
Ashland, Oregon


“On Nancy’s 93rd birthday, please join us for a memorial and celebration of her remarkable life. We will share stories and music in her honor, and, following the memorial, there will be a potluck reception and song circle. Please bring a finger-food/hors d’oeuvre type item to contribute to the potluck reception, and, if you are so inclined, an instrument to add to the song circle. Ideas for songs and a few song sheets to share would be very welcome!


Please pass the word to anyone you think would want to be there. We are looking forward to gathering with any and all who loved her.” — from Her Family


Passionate to create a peaceful, just world for children….
Peace House honors the memory of Nancy Spencer, who was a long-time member and volunteer at Peace House. I had the pleasure of knowing Nancy in that capacity in the mid-nineties, when Ruth Coulthard and I worked there together. Nancy was instrumental in helping Peace House move from the Old Armory office to the one that we now share with the South Mountain Friends Meeting,  helping to create fundraising concerts for Peace House and offering advice in a quiet but direct way. She knew that we were the next generation of peace activists, and wanted to see Peace House continue. It was an honor to have her wisdom, vision, and commitment. Nancy was an abiding presence.


She was one of many WILPF members who helped to coordinate the Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Vigil that still takes place here August 6-9 in to serve as a memorial to the victims of the bombs and destruction wrought in 1945 on Japan, and to educate people today about the horror of Nuclear War.


We are humbled to have known Nancy, and to be able to see her energy pass on to the next two generations of her family here in Ashland.  Through their voices, and music, her gifts and her deep passion for peace continue. Special thanks for this to Lisa, Karen and Isabelle. We know your loss runs deep, as does her abiding presence. The Peace House Board and Community share fond memories of her.


May Nancy”s spirit, voice and music ever shine upon us!


Elizabeth V. Hallett
Director, Peace House


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