The Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act (H.R. 1976 in the U.S. House of Representatives) would “provide for nuclear weapons abolition and economic conversion … while ensuring environmental restoration and clean-energy conversion.”
Background: Full text of H.R. 1976 Dear Colleague Letter
Let your representative know you want them to support it (Click here to sign the petition below):
Subject: Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act
Petition text:
As a constituent, I urge you to co-sponsor HR-1976, “The Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act” of 2015.
The bill is based in part on the promises much of the world thought President Obama was making in his Prague speech in April 2009, to help lead the world step-by-step towards complete elimination of nuclear weapons. (Regrettably, in the years since Prague, the US has moved to spend one trillion dollars over the next 30 years for new nuclear bomb factories, delivery systems and warheads.) In addition the bill provides funding for environmental restoration and to transform our war industries to producing carbon-free, nuclear-free energy.
The complete text of HR-1976 is here
The Dear Colleague letter with Congresswoman Norton’s request for co-sponsorship, and information about contacting her office, is here
Thank you for reading my letter. Whatever your own response, I would be happy to discuss this with you further.