One Sunny Day: A Memoir by Hideko Tamura

Hideko Tamura was ten years old when the atomic bomb devastated her home in Hiroshima. In her eloquent and moving narrative, Hideko recalls her life before the bomb, the explosion itself, and the influence of that trauma upon her subsequent life in Japan and the United States.

Her years in America have given her unusual insights into the relationship between Japanese and American cultures and the impact of Hiroshima on all our lives.

“It took nearly a lifetime before I could begin to share my story. It began as a chronicle for my children who never knew their grandparents or the home I once came from. It grew into an article published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1995, and from that into a book published in 1996.”

This new edition includes two expanded chapters and revisions throughout. A new epilogue brings the story up to date, continuing Hideko’s advocacy for collective healing, peacebuilding and a nuclear weapons-free world. This poignant story of courage and resilience remains deeply relevant today, offering a profoundly personal testimony against the ongoing threat of nuclear warfare.

Just published by Oregon State University Press, One Sunny Day can be ordered directly through them online or by phone at 1-800-621-2736.

Through the end of November OSU Press is offering a 25% discount. Use the code F23 in the online order form or provide it when calling to place an order.

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