Oregon Legislature – Article Cont. 01/18/21

When it comes to blaming the federal government, the reality is: if Governor Brown and OHA have an issue with how many vaccines the state is allocated, that needs to be taken up with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). From the Operation Warp Speed website: “The CDC recommends the initial phase of the COVID-19 vaccination program be offered to healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care facilities. Governors and jurisdictions will ultimately decide who will receive the vaccines.”

  • The CDC came worryingly close to adopting a plan that would have killed thousands of Americans because it prioritized woke social justice terms like “equity” and skin color above science that COVID-19 deaths go up exponentially depending on age.

Only about 25% to 30% of the sought-after vaccines shipped to Oregon by the federal government have made it into the arms of eligible recipients – with the rest sitting unused in industrial freezers and refrigerators across the state.”

As of January 11, 104,595 doses have been administered; 4,828 Oregonians are fully vaccinated and 94,799 in progress. Ages 30-49 have seen the most vaccines with 45,921, though they have a very low mortality rate from COVID-19. Keeping true to the Democrats’ lack of value for human life, only 13,523 vaccines have been administered for those 60-69, 4,583 for those 70-79 and only 3,632 for those 80 and older. Those age groups have the highest risk should they contract COVID-19.

  • OHA is obviously prioritizing “equity” over risk for who can have access to the COVID-19 vaccine, (Q7 at this link): “OHA will ensure the distribution process is based on community involvement that will provide an equitable system challenging the roles of power, privilege and racism— informed by a newly assembled COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC).”
  • Vaccinating Americans over the age of 74 over the same period of time as frontline essential workers will significantly delay when some of those who are at greatest risk will receive the vaccine. And second, starting to vaccinate essential workers still puts a large group with a comparatively low risk of death ahead of a large group with a significantly higher risk of death.”

Previously, Biden’s COVID-19 advisor argued that he and everyone else should die by 75 years old. This trend to toss the elderly or anyone over 60, should be alarming to every American because if lucky, everyone will reach that age. It shouldn’t be up to bureaucrats and health care professionals to decide who gets to live or die.

Remember, even those who contract the virus, over 98% recover and over 40% never show symptoms and aren’t actually sick. The CDC is moving the goalposts again by releasing a new study that says 59% of new COVID-19 infections are transmitted by people with no symptoms, aka asymptomatic or healthy people.

Empty Bowls: October 25

It’s time for a new bowl!  Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Empty Bowls, a fundraiser to support feeding hungry people in our community. Every ticket holder will

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