Stop the March to War with Iran

Stop the March to War with Iraniran

Another war of choice in the Middle East is looming, fed by the usual lies. We must prevent it. Please take two actions immediately:
  1. Call the White House and express strong opposition. Try the switchboard first, since it uses operators and we can flood the line. 1-202-456-1414. If you can’t get through, call the comment line, 1-202-456-1111 and leave a message.
  2. Call Sen. Ron Wyden and tell him to sign onto the “Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act of 2019″ (S. 1039). His DC # is 1-202-224-5244.” Merkley was an original signer, so thank him and also for the letter he and three other senators sent to Trump expressing opposition. 1-202-224-3753. Also call Rep. Greg Walden and tell him to sign the House version of the bill, H.R. 2354. His DC # is 1-202-225-6730.
There is no time to lose.

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