Stop the presence of federal troops in our cities which signifies a dangerous turn toward fascism

Sign the petition to send the following urgent email to your Representative and Senators, the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and International Human Rights Offices. We must end the siege of our cities. This is an explicitly racist crackdown on the national uprising against racism and police brutality. It has to stop.

Petition: “I demand an immediate end to the deployment of federal troops in our cities sent to repress the popular movement against racism and police brutality. I am particularly alarmed by the use of Border Patrol agents in the role of federal police.  The recent deployment of federal armed forces in Portland and efforts underway to send federal forces to Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and other US cities must not proceed. This assault on our urban areas has taken place without any consultation of local and state governments, and is an abuse of our most fundamental democratic, civil, and constitutional rights. These militarized forces have assaulted protesters and civilians with so-called “non-lethal” weapons and have arbitrarily kidnapped and detained people off the streets with no due process. The invasion and occupation of our cities is a blatantly racist act. It is an attempt to criminalize anti-racist resistance in the United States today. The presence of federal troops in our cities signifies a dangerous turn toward fascism. We must not go down that road. This occupation of our cities must stop.”

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