The Rogue Valley Green Car Guide 2018 Green Car Guide for open, unrestricted distribution. Feel free to forward to anyone you think might be interested, and post for download on wyoureb site if you think appropriate. Note that 25% of any donations received will go to SOCAN and 25% to Rogue Climate. Donations Gratefully Accepted If you would like to financially support this guide, feel free to Venmo a donation to 541-488-5542. Suggested amount is $2 to keep the bookkeeping simple. I will donate half of all amounts received to SOCAN and Rogue Climate (split 50-50), with the other half stashed away for our next 2-for -1 green car upgrade. (SUV and PHEV both traded in for one EV in 2027.) — Bruce Borgerson
Community Labryinth: A Walk into 2025
Ashland’s 26th Community Labyrinth Walk to New Year starts December 31 at 3:30 p.m. and runs until 10:00 p.m. New Years Eve. The event resumes at 10:00 am New Years