Unmasking the Housing Crisis: Half Homeless?

This week in our look at unmasking the Housing Crisis, we invite you to learn more about the realities of people living without homes and to review the results of recent meetings in Medford to educate the public about the changing policies to address issues surrounding the housing crisis locally.

ENDEVR Documentaries are availble to stream for free on the ENDEVR youtube channel, and they are worth watching. Our featured film of the week addresses what some call “half homeless” describing people who are living in cars or hotel rooms in lieu of finding affordable housing. The film is is one of many chapters in the film group’s examination of what is life for the working poor in America.

In 2023 evictions have skyrocketed after a federal moratorium on evictions during the pandemic was lifted August of 2022. Check out this PBS special that lays out of some of how the rising rents are “squeezing low income Americans.” Evictions can lead working people into a life without reliable housing because of their tainted rental history.

In Southern Oregon, the City of Medford just concluded three town halls where hundreds in attendance heard from city officials about changing policies, new alternatives being developed, and public sentiment.. These meetings informed community members concerned about the topic, but did little to actually address what many say is a growing gap between the very wealthy and those without access to low barrier, affordable housing alternatives in Jackson County.

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