The event was held at the Rogue River Room of SOU’s Stevenson Union. Author of “The Left Hand of God: Taking Our Country Back from the Religious Right”, Lerner is the co-founder/editor of “Tikkun”, one of the most respected intellectual/cultural magazines in the Jewish world. Founder in 2002 of the Tikkun Community (now “The Network of Spiritual Progressives”, co-chaired by Cornel West), Rabbi Lerner’s influence on spiritual progressives of all faiths continues to grow. To honor his work, especially as a spokesperson for reconciliation and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, in 2005 he received the Martin Luther King Jr./Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award from Morehouse College, MLK’s alma mater. Rogue Valley Honorees: Alma Rosa Alvarez, Kathleen Conway and Alan Journet, Jason and Vanessa Houk, Rich Rhode.
Update: New Shelter Up and Running Until April
The city-owned building at 2200 Ashland Street has opened its doors to people seeking shelter until April 1, 2025. Rogue Retreat staff will manage the shelter and will house up