Volunteers Needed for the Ashland Food Angels and Ashland Emergency Food Bank

At this time, especially with people away on holiday trips, both the Ashland Emergency Food Bank and the Ashland Food Angels are very much in need of extra volunteers. Please have a thought and see if you can spare a few hours each week to helping get food to those who might otherwise go hungry.

The Food Bank is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 12:30, although many volunteers show up before that time.  There is especially a need for someone to work on Wednesday mornings from about 9 am for an hour or two, sorting vegetables and fruit that are donated.  Interested people can contact Amey, the Director of the Food Bank at 541-488-9544 or email info@ashlandemergencyfoodbank.org for more information.

Ashland Food Angels works seven days a week, mostly in the mornings and evenings, picking up food from the Ashland Coop, Shop N Kart, Market of Choice and the Farmers Market.  Food is delivered daily to the Food Bank and weekly to the Uncle Food’s Diner kitchen crew.  In addition to volunteers who could work a few hours each week, there is a need for replacement volunteers for times when a regular volunteer is away or ill.  Hours are generally in two hour shifts, and help is especially needed now for Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.  Help could also be used in the garden and with ongoing cleaning.  If interested, contact the director, Pamala Joy, at 541-482-5330 or email:  ashlandfoodangels@gmail.com for more information.

Both the Food Angels and the Food Bank are active in supplying food for the meals provided weekly by Uncle Food’s Diner.  Without enough helpers for these two long term organizations, usable food is redirected, either to farm animals or the landfill.  This is unfortunate at a time when the Food Bank is facing some of its highest demands and at times runs out of produce and other foodstuff.

Please check your schedule and consider giving some time, either for a few weeks or months, or some other arrangement.  You will be part of a network which truly serves our community.

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