Welcome to Peacehouse.net

As we celebrate our fortieth year as a nonprofit, we are pleased to welcome you to our brand new website!

These forty years reflects the face of a fledgling nonprofit that began by addressing the threat of nuclear war in 1982 and has evolved, sowing seeds for a culture of nonviolence and compassionate community.

  • We have become a center promoting peace and justice through nonviolence and diplomacy, linking to a network of fellow social change organizations, both nationally and internationally.
  • We uphold the values of a culture of nonviolence on many fronts, including nonviolent conflict resolution; socio-economic and environmental justice; and the inherent dignity of all people.
  • We believe the earth and all its people are precious and to be respected.
  • We hold a reverence for community and a belief in the sacredness of our Earth, all its creatures and our natural resources: earth, air, water and soil.
  • We campaign for initiatives that will address the critical need for humanitarian social structures, environmental resilience, and the preservation of the planet. 
  • We foster cooperation amongst organizations that share our fundamental values and extend our resources to them as possible.

Our new website reflects two vital programs that have engaged our community over the last years. Uncle Food’s Diner is now thirty – yes thirty – years old! Our Rogue Liberation Library Project is almost three years old.

Through four decades, if you have been following us, you have also seen our faithful Clear Actions Newsletter, providing weekly releases to inspire, organize and promote creative social change and climate action. We continue to address issues from racism to immigration; from free speech to militarism; from hunger and homelessness to environmental preservation and climate justice; from basic healthcare to childcare and a living wage.

We have matured over time and are still happening and growing.

We now provide fiscal sponsorship to help incubate grassroots projects and cross-pollinate with fledgeling programs that share our values and mission. 

Please engage with our new website, find what resonates with you, and share your thoughts and goals with us. You will notice many changes and additions to our new platform, we continue to stretch our legs!

In celebration of our fortieth year of activity and community, thank you for all you have done to keep Peace House alive and well!

With profound gratitude,

Elizabeth Hallett and your Peace House team!

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